Neutrino Physics: double beta
decay perspective
physics is one of the present day thrust areas in experimental as well as
theoretical physics. The terrestrial and extraterrestrial searches for neutrino
mass through the study of atmospheric, solar, reactor and supernova neutrino
sources have finally succeeded in establishing that neutrinos have mass. The
present experimental evidences regarding the mass strongly suggest physics
beyond the standard model of particles. Neutrinoless
double beta decay (0n2b)processes have a great
potential to explore some of the fundamental questions associated with neutrino
physics beyond the Standard Model, which is believed to be the correct
description of all fundamental particles and their interactions except
gravitation. 0n2b is perhaps the only experiment that will tell us about the
true nature of neutrino - whether it is a Dirac or Majorana particle. The 0n2b will provide the information on
absolute effective mass of the neutrinos. The 0n2b decay mode will tell us
if the
total lepton number, one of the fundamental conserved quantities of the
Standard Model, is violated. In addition, this would constrain several
parameters of the supersymmetric models, composite
models, left-right symmetric models, several other extensions of the standard
models, more severely than any of the proposed next generation colliders.
(“B. Pontecorvo” room)